Thursday, July 30, 2009

15 days...

Only 15 days left. It's hard to believe I have been in the Czech Republic since May 26 and that it will all be done in just over two weeks. Since the last post our 2nd camp occurred and we are about to begin our third and final camp. A new sister in Christ joined the family, a young lady who had been to camp 7 or 8 times and God called her to Himself completely at the end of camp.

Tabor camp (camp #2) was great. It was incredibly smooth - a well oiled machine some would say. Our biggest issue was that the meal song person wasn't always on time. If that's your biggest problem at camp, it's a great camp on the program side of thins. What was also incredible was that it was also a spiritually focused camp. God moved in the hearts of believers and nonbelievers alike, and I believe there are quite a few that He is raising up to be leaders and quite a few more He is drawing to Himself, and all to His praise and His glory.

The American team from Oregon was also incredible, and I am blessed to personally know those brothers and sisters in the faith, and now, when I take a road trip, I'll have some great people to see and stay with in Oregon. They did a phenomenal job at camp. Whatever stewardship God and their leaders entrusted to them they succeeded in with flying colors. I did not see anyone bury their coins in the dirt but took them and doubled and tripled what God had given them.

The Tabor team also surpassed all expectations. They were intentional. They shared their lives and the gospel with the students at camp. They did not back down. They sought out conversations. They were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation.

L-R: Pirate Bonnie, Martina, Pavli, Me, Cory

It was a great gift to serve alongside and build relationships with those at this camp. Things to pray for now:

-That God would not only send laborers of His gospel but would also send laborers in His word and doctrine to teach and instruct the believers here -- that He would continually renew their minds to the transforming of their lives
-That the Christians in Tabor would continue to boldly preach the gospel of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
-That God would send those to disciple the young believers - spiritual fathers and mothers for our new brothers and sisters in the faith - specifically Adela and Maggie
-Continue to pray for Nina - that God would send laborers into her life, brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers in the faith; that He would continue to draw her to Himself, and that she would repent and believe
-For our final camp. There are 81 students and 21 leaders, the largest camp out of the whole summer. Pray that there would be a spiritual revival and awakening, that we would be salt and light, that our words would be gracious and seasoned with salt that we would know how to answer all who ask, that God would fill us with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, and that the teams coming together to lead this camp would be of one mind and one purpose - fully united in one body as the pure bride of Christ - "all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35), and that we would preach the gospel boldly, clearly, and accurate, in love, that we would be a clanging cymbal.

Thank you all for your continued interest, support, and prayers. God is moving in the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe to His praise and glory. I look forward to the time I get to see you in person and talk to you face to face again. May you be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1). Amen.

Finally, on Cory's blog are some great videos and entries about the summer as well, and he's put up some great new pictures. All really great stuff.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Round 2 begins

We just finished training for our second camp, and it has been so refreshing. The team from Oregon is great, and I love spending time with them. The leaders from Tabor are geared up too, and it is incredible to be ministering alongside them at this time.

There are many things I would like to write, but I will write them later, like how English is a gift, it really is. For now, I want to give you a few updates and prayer needs:

1. God has been answering the prayers to send laborers into Nina's life. She has been talking to Emily, Martina, Adela, myself, and my sister. Please pray that God would begin to send laborers from her hometown - Brno. Also, please pray for Nina and her mother. They are going on vacation today, but Nina's mom likes to drink, and when she does she is not someone you want to be around. I don't think I need to go into more detail. Also, Nina says she believes, but is not sure she has fully trusted yet. I think she has acknowledged the truth of the gospel, but it has not become beautiful to her yet (How John Piper puts it). Continue to pray that Christ would manifest Himself to her in prayer, scripture, and life.

2. Tabor camp begins tomorrow: pray for team unity among the 3 teams, that we would be connected to the vine (John 15), not relying on ourselves or others for ministry but on God alone, that our words would be seasoned with salt that we would know how to answer all who ask, for good weather, that there would be a spiritual awakening, a great awakening for Christ at this camp. PRAY BIG!

I love you all. I wish I could share my life in person with you. It is so hard to truly convey or communicate all that is happening. I think I am getting a taste of what Paul may have felt when writing letters. May the peace and joy that passes all understanding fill you through the work of Christ in your life - He lived, died, and rose in victory and reigns in heaven today - rejoice that He has written your name in heaven.

In Christ,


Monday, July 13, 2009

End of the first and on to the second

Camp 1 is officially over. Nine days sure flew by. So much happened. God stirred people's hearts. We have a new sister in Christ, and I believe we have more brothers and sisters on the way.

Where to start? Where to end?

God moved throughout the whole week, and His Spirit was definitely present. I saw God use Josh and Emily to pour into Adela's life, and God drew her to Himself, and we have a new sister named Adela. It's hard to imagine last Thursday, no sister, and Friday, new sister. I look forward to hearing and possibly seeing God mature her and lead her into truth and holiness. much I could say, and so much more I hope to be able to in the future. On day 2 of small group discussions, I let the students know we had Bibles for them if they wanted to read more of the stories, and she looked at me and said, "I think it's too soon." She then came up to me afterward and told me she was an atheist and only saw the stories as a fairytale, and today she is a young woman who believes in God and wants to be a Christian but is afraid of what it will mean for her life, how it will affect certain relationships...Jesus Christ rose in victory over Satan, sin, and death. He rose in victory over her fear, and because of this, there are no lost causes with Christ. She is a friend that I love as a brother, and a friend I hope and pray to one day call sister.

I also saw the first seeds of the gospel planed in many lives, and we have the greatest gardener, God Himself. God may and does bring us into the planting and watering, but He causes the growth, and I also am incredibly excited in anticipation as I look forward to the stories of many students who left camp not believing but will find themselves inexplicably drawn to the Father by His grace through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I also prayed for God to raise up Moseses, Elijahs and Elishas, Peters and Pauls, from this camp, and I believe He will. I watch in prayer and hope for the day when God makes this a reality. Amen.

This is my greatest desire for these students -- that they would know God's personal love for them and love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Can there be a greater desire for anyone?

So...what to pray for...

1. "After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest" (Luke 10:1-2). Please pray for more laborers. That God would surround these students with Christians wherever they are. That they would not be able to escape the gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. I am looking for a woman, young or old, mom or daughter, any sister in Christ that wants to commit to praying for Nina. That God would send Christians into her life. That God would protect her from the birds of Satan, the stones of persecution, and the thorns of this life. That she would believe on Christ for salvation and begin to grow in Him. I can keep you updated on what she needs prayer for and hopefully connect you to her on Facebook or something like that. She needs prayer and more laborers for the gospel. With all that said, in the end, she needs Jesus Christ and to surrender herself to Him.

3. Pray that we would get rest. Camp 2 training starts tomorrow and camp 2 starts Saturday.

4. Pray that God would continue to stir passion within us for the students.

5. That God would protect our unity. There will be three teams at this next camp - intern team (us), Czech team (Tabor youth leaders), and American team (Good Shepherd Church from Oregon). Jesus tells us that they will know we are followers of the living God by our love for one another.

Picture coming soon and all that good stuff. Thank you for your continued prayer support. I don't know what this summer would be like without it, and I'm glad I never will. Thank you and God bless!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The first camp follow-up

Well, camp is done, and we are heading into the first follow-up weekend. One girl was brought into the family yesterday. We all have a new sister in Christ named Adela.

God is continuing to draw others to Himself, of that I am sure. Continuet to pray for Adam, Nina, Tomash (2), John, Lucka, and many others.

Also, please continue to pray for us as a team, that we would honor God in the relationships that are formed, that we would be good stewards of the ministry He has given us, and that we would continue to grow in Christ-likeness.

A longer, more story oriented post with some picture links will be coming...just not yet.

Also, we have the great privilege of staying in a student's home this weekend, and his backyard is a small farm -- homegrown apricots, cherries, wheat, corn, tomatoes, grapes, onions, garlic, and then some. Fresh off the tree apricots and home jarred pears and apricots along with some cherries...God is good, and He has blessed us (Cory and myself) with a wonderful home to stay in (pictures coming soon).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Prayer Need!!

Tonight at 8 p.m. Czech time (2 p.m. ETS) we will be telling the last two stories of Story of God. They are the death and resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of the church, and they end with the gospel message a call to salvation.

Please be praying for tonight: for those of us speaking, leading small groups, for the students. I love you all. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The middle of the beginning of the rest...

There's internet here, but I can't get on very often.  I wanted to update you with some prayer requests.

The Story of God is going really well, and spiritual conversations are happening left and right.  Thank you for praying.

Please continue to pray for clear communication and wisdom as we speak, in large groups, small groups, or one on one.  Our desire is that God would shine through us as He did with Stephen when he stood before the Jewish Sanhedrin, proclaiming the gospel.  May our thoughts, actions, and words be light and salt to the students.

Please pray against the attacks of Satan: Bonnie is a main storyteller/teacher, and her voice is gone, against distractions when the word is being taught, and against disunity.

Please pray for more laborers of the gospel.  That God would send more laborers into the lives of the students He is drawing to Himself, here at camp and when they leave.

Please pray for Nina, Adela, Lucka, Eva, Tomash, Radek, Radim, Adam, and Jon, and the many other students I cannot name here.  God is doing a great work, and they are engaging.  Pray that their the Holy Spirit would reveal truth to them as He did to Peter when he said that Jesus was the Christ.

Thank you for all your love and support.  Josiah Venture desires to be a part of a movement of God in the Czech Republic, and God is moving here.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The end of the beginning and the beginning of the rest...

Hey out there. This may be the last update for a while. Internet access is going to be spotty for the month of July. So, for the last one for who knows how long, here's a vid of prayer requests for you all. Thank you so much for all your suppot. I'll keep you posted as I can.