Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Camera Tag

I'm in.  I'll start as IT.  If you do not live near me, feel free to start your own game where you are.

How do you play?  Click here.

Also, major update on my upcoming seven month term in the Czech Republic.  I know...the suspense is killing me too.


tim said...

Haha, YES!

Jonathan Rosen said...

You are going down.

bleedingdaughter said...

sounds cool, but i dont have a camera. and im not exactly a quick draw on my phone.

hm. i could be a bonus point person:p

Anonymous said...

if she's a bonus person for not having a camera, then i am serious bonus points living in indiana.

Jonathan Rosen said...

True, but I am using my phone. You should bring it, Heather, and I am going to get you Matt. You wait and see. One day...After all, who left with that ridiculous postcard?