You can't even trust the hair on your own body.
That's right, I have discovered it is simply untrustable, which is quite sad. In a world of plastic surgeries and fad diets and lots of make-up products that simply baffle me, I thought I was doing alright being happy with the genes God gave me. I got the genes from Isaac that were suppressed in Jacob but were quite dominant in Esau. I've embraced being a hairy guy. I enjoy not looking like a twelve year old.
Unfortunately, our world is broken and fallen - from the great moral evils of the day to simply not being able to enjoy being hairy in peace. Thirteen days ago I had a pilonidal cystectomy. Yep, that's what I said, and no, it's not from Harry Potter.
A pilonidal cystesctomy is basically the removal of a pilonidal cyst, which is a cyst that forms at the base of the talilbone, most common in males 14-25 years old (and I was right in the sweet spot, I guess) and likely caused by a really bad ingrown hair (so the prominent theory goes). Well, I'm sure some friends of mine are putting two and two together by now.
So, because recurrence rates are quite high (The doctor said if I do not keep hair out of the area, it will recur, which equals no fun.), I'll likely be getting some laser hair removal (something I thought I would never do. Me? Laser hair removal? God has a sense of humor we've learned.) since I have no interest in constantly using hair removal cream and shaving back there. What a pain in the butt (pun intended).
Well, back to the beginning, you know you live in a fallen world when you can't even enjoy the fruit of the DNA God gives you.
i.laughed. so. hard.
i couldnt breathe enough; it felt really good to laugh that hard. thanks
That makes me smile. I laugh at it myself when I get to thinking about it. I'd rofl right now, but it would hurt.
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