There is a great quote by Henry Brooks Adams, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." This not merely a truth for teachers. You never know where your impact stops. Did my youth pastor in 7th and 8th grade know I would be in the Czech Republic preaching the gospel and discipling team members and students? No, but my ministry here is a part of his legacy. Did my parents know where I would end up; who I would speak to or impact when they were raising me? No, but each one of those moment is a part of their legacy. I could go on and on about those who have touched my life and have subsequently touched the lives of many they will never meet on this side of heaven. The impact is a part of their legacy.
God has given me opportunities to bless and teach and encourage in ways that are so contrary to what I gave my life to for so many years. Sometimes it is unbelievable that He is not only giving me this opportunity to give and impact rather than take and use, but He has called me to it. It is not, "Well, here ya go. Why not?" It is, "I want you for this. Right here, right now."
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
1 Corinthians 2:9
This is every day, every moment. This is the person you got to talk to at Starbucks, the person you sat by on the train, the waitress you had serve you dinner last night, your lifelong friend, your week long friend. This is your life touching the lives of others and God taking that impact, no matter how small you may have thought it was, and multiplying it in the receiver's life like five loaves of bread and two fish. That's the picture. When you touch someone else's life, when you offer a taste, a glimpse of Jesus to someone else no matter how small, you do not know how much Jesus will then show up in that person's life, how much impact and life change He will have through you. It's pretty crazy. Your impact is a picture of Jesus and a conduit for Jesus Himself.
"We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls...And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."
Hebrews 10:39; Galatians 6:9
whoa! this comment really hit me: "When you touch someone else's life, when you offer a taste, a glimpse of Jesus to someone else no matter how small, you do not know how much Jesus will then show up in that person's life, how much impact and life change He will have through you. It's pretty crazy. Your impact is a picture of Jesus and a conduit for Jesus Himself."
That is sooo true & totally what God is trying to break through to my thick skull, lately! What a blessing! Thanks for the encouragement! Also, the verses (Hebrews 10:39 & Galatians 6:9) are two He's given me about 25 times each in the past 4 months, no kidding. Maybe He's trying to tell me something?! :-)
Nina Ruth Bruno
Hey Jonathan, looks like the team is in full-force! I pray for total unity & the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to do exceedingly & abundantly above all you could ever ask or think!
Keep posting!
We've been working to build a resource library for youth pastors... Would you mind adding a link to your site to help get the word out? Links are a huge help!
You could just add the site to your blogroll: Or you can use this code:
Called to Youth Ministry
Nina Ruth Bruno
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