And it is in this state, in the untouched fields of snow of our hearts that Jesus proclaims, "The fields are white for harvest!"[2] For it is Jesus who takes our hearts touched only by the gleaming, cold death of sin and brings forth life. With the fields frozen and buried, the stuff of life is cut off, for the fields of untouched snow cannot and will not grow - buried under gleaming death - and death would have its way, but Jesus comes to the fields of our frozen hearts and melts away the sin and quickens us to new life, taking the frozen, gleaming death of our lives upon Himself and giving us the stuff of life, which in truth is the person of life - Himself - Jesus the Christ.
And so I hope and believe for the people of the Czech Republic and for my friends and family back home in America, whose lives are but fields of snow - life killed, buried under the weight of death.
And it is to these fields Jesus also proclaims, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers."[3] And like the sun that melts the ice and brings life, so the Son of God melts our dead, frozen hearts and gives new life - His life - to us.
And it is to these frozen fields of snow we laborers are called, and to these frozen souls we proclaim the Savior; we love those frozen and dead by sin, and the Holy Spirit moves in and through us as life from the life Giver, and saves.
We are in a world of untouched fields of snow waiting to be touched by the melting, life-giving embrace of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Enjoy your last bit of time in CZ bro! :) Blessings.
I hope your trip in CZ is blessed!
Thank you. It was, and God is continuing to move. In the last two weeks a girl trusted in Christ after 6 months of hearing about Jesus and God and spending time with Christians who love her. It is awesome to continue to hear about God's movement in Eastern Europe while I'm back home on the other side of the ocean.
I look forward to what I get to hear next.
Amen, praise God for all that he is doing your life.
are you not going to blog while here?
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