Monday, April 26, 2010

From Now to the Czech: 20 Days and Counting

Five months has nearly gone by, and I can only imagine how fast these next twenty days will go by.

A lot has been going on regarding my Czech internship, a lot of really exciting things to be exact.  So here's the update you've been waiting for:

The Team
It has all been decided.  We have our intern team put together.  Drum roll....Bonnie Boyd and I are co-leading an intern team again, and we are incredibly excited serve with each other for another summer.

the guy interns
God has given us two: Ryan Haggerty, hailing from Peoria, IL; and Jenda Halamka, hailing from Bohumilice, CZ.  Ryan has been to the Czech Republic with his church doing English camps before, and I was able to work with Jenda at our first camp last summer.  He translated for my small group and for our apologetics panels.

(Top to Bottom: Ryan Haggerty, Jenda Halamka)

Ryan is a living answer of one of my most repeated prayers from last summer and since being back in the states - that God would send more laborers into the harvest of the Czech.  Not only do I get to see God answering prayers in Ryan's ministry, but I get serve alongside someone who is an answer to prayer.  I am really stoked to live with and serve with Ryan this summer.

Jenda is also an answer to a much repeated prayer from last summer and here at home - that God would raise up Peters and Pauls and Johns and Elijahs and Elishas and Josiahs to lead the church in the Czech Republic.  I remember praying this prayer specifically day after day at the Bohumilice camp, and getting to have Jenda on our team is part of God's answer.

the girl interns
Besides getting to co-lead with Bonnie again, God has also given three incredible women of God to serve with this summer.  They are Frances Rau - Tampa, FL; Allison Weaver - hailing from Willowstreet, PA (but she's lived much of her life on the mission field nationally and internationally); and Eva Švehlová - hailing from Strakonice, CZ.

This summer will hold Bonnie's 15th, 16th, and 17th camps (may be wrong, but it is definitely in the teens), and Frances was just in the Czech Republic over spring break with the team from Moody Bible Institute (where she is soon graduating from).  Allison has served many years doing missions in South America, and this will be her first time in the Czech Republic (really excited for this!); and Eva is a student leader in the Strakonice youth group, and I was able to work with her last summer at our Strakonice Camp.

(Top to Bottom: Bonnie Boyd, Frances Rau, Eva Švehlová, Allison Weaver)

I could and do believe and say the same things about Frances, Allison, and Eva as I did for Ryan and Jenda.  Each of them is a living answer to prayer, and I am excited to serve with them and spur them on to their calling for the summer.

The Czech Locales
The churches and locations are all set.  We will be working with the church in Strakonice, Zlin, and Litvinov this summer, and I cannot wait to do these camps.  In communicating with the Czech leaders, I believe we have been "mutually encouraged by each other's faith" and passion.

View Team BonJon 2010 in a larger map

Scroll over the map to Eastern Europe and you will see the tag markers I put on the map for you.  This will give you a visual of where in the country we will be and for what reasons.  I'll be adding the American church team locations soon.

Support Raising
There is lots of good news and new challenges regarding support.  God has already provided 73% of the financial support required for the seven month internship.  I have $2,800 left to go.  God has also provided 100% of the funds Bonnie, Ryan, and Allison need.  Frances is still raising support, and we are confident God is going to provide for 100% of her needs as well.

Czech Support
Jenda and Eva each have to raise $2,300 for the summer.  They are responsible for raising $300 (6,000 crowns) from Czechs, and it is our privilege as a team to help them raise the other $2,000.  This means that we need to raise $4,000 for our Czech interns this summer.  I am praying for 80 people to each give $50 to fully fund Jenda and Eva.

How Can You Help?
1.   Please continue to pray for us.  Now, you have faces and names and places to pray for.  Also, please pray that God would provide everything we need to fulfill the calling He has for us over there, and that we would not take His provision and preparation for granted, but that we would remain intentionally and gratefully dependent on Him.

2.  You can give financially.  If you would like to give to me, Frances, Eva, and/or Jenda, please click here.  Enter in any of our names and our account number and you can give online with your credit or debit card.  Beneath the online form are other ways you can give if you would prefer. 
  • To give to Eva  Švehlová, type in her name and Account # 17121. 
  • To give to Jenda Halamka, type in his name.  Unfortunately, his account number is forthcoming, but I will update this as soon as I get it.
  •  To give to Frances Rau, type in her name and Account # 17118. 
  • To give to me, type in my name - Jonathan Rosen - and Account # 17104.  And if you would like to receive one of my vision and support letters, please let me know, and I will get one to you ASAP :)

Thank you for reading this.  Thank you to those who have been praying and will be praying.  Thank you to those who have given and will give.  You are the people God has chosen to bring to reality His good and great purposes.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Real Love in being home and departing again

"Love is doing whatever you have to do at whatever cost to yourself to help the beloved be enthralled - fully and forever - with what is most satisfying - God, not themselves" (John Piper; 01:01:25).

"There must be something inside of us that loves to be near bigness when we feel little" (John Piper).

"Your calling is His calling on you to Him for the body" (Matt Chandler; 39:45).

"You can toil away your whole life and be unbelieavably faithful to God and see little on this side of heaven.  But boy, we need to know it before we sell out and try to create cool Jesus" (Matt Chandler; 45:03).

Too often, I am learning, I regurgitate truth without crying out for it to impact and change my life.  This is a problem.  Not that I was insincere before, but it is really easy to lay truth over a life issue or problem or pain or failure, even if you really believe it, and realize you haven't processed or moved on or communicated meaningfully at all.  I have learned that too often the emotional, intimate, and relational aspect of being a Christian is elevated at the expense of the intellectual, and the intellectual is also too often elevated at the expense of the intimate, and reactions back and forth ensues.  I have learned that the spiritual truth, the Christian truth, is where the intellectual and the intimate meet, and this is a hard tension to love and hold on to.  Being home has stirred new emotions and relationships again that are in the process of being wedded to the intellectual truth of who God is and how He is working in me and others (Matt Chandler talks about this too.  It's just a great sermon.  Watch it or listen to it.  Throw it on your IPod or something.  It is well worth your time.).

When I changed my blog title to "Home Again" back in December, I did not yet know what being "Home Again" would hold for me.  I was leaving something "big" to come home.  I wanted home to be big, as in a big time of my life, not five months of small, and it has turned out to be big.  It has been made so clear that I needed this five months home in a different community to prepare for the ministry ahead of me.  Parts of my life have been stirred up here that would have never been stirred in Chicago, mainly because I am a part of a different community, not better or worse, but different, and so they push and pull and stretch me in different ways, and new places in my life are being pruned and there are new pains and failures and new joys and successes.

I have been blessed with incredible communities to be a part of, and getting to reunite with friends in Chicago was a great gift.  I received words there that I will cherish for a long time (Hopefully, I'll write them down so that long time will be a life time.).  I was impacted and allowed to impact, and it was exciting and exhausting and renewing, and I know that these last four weeks home will be similar, and that seven months in the Czech will be as well.