Sunday, May 31, 2009

So much so fast

Well, first entry from the Czech Republic. It's been quite a journey so far. It's hard to believe I have a whole summer to go because so much has already happened. The Amazing Race makes one feel like they have been here much longer than just a few days.

We started in Vienna, Austria; and traveled to many of its most famous sights, overcoming obstacles like physical challenges, hedge mazes, photo scavenger hunts, and navigating the public transit system. We then traveled to Bratislava, Slovakia; which is where the hostel we stayed was.

Day 2 sent us to Budapest, Hungary. Huge surprise! I had no idea I would be traveling to Slovakia, let alone Hungary, during the Amazing Race. Budapest has some beautiful places, specifically the Liberty Statue at the top of this large hill that overlooks the whole city, which we had to climb up as part of one of our challenges.

Budapest was the hardest day by far. I don't think I have ever done more walking and stair climbing in one day in my life. I felt like I walked myself into a six pack. Forget crunches. Just walk from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., and add a large hill/mini mountain climb and an umpteen amount of stairs with pretty much no breaks, and I guarantee you'll be closer to a six pack than you were before. Your feet will also hate you, but that's just a side effect.

We have been in Frydlant, Czech Republic at Hotel Malenovice. We will all be here through Thursday going through internship training, and then we're off for the summer -- writing English lessons, preparing Bible lessons, budgeting, traveling, preparing for camp, visiting youth groups, and all the surprises God usually gives us along the way.

Check out the video below for a slide show that Cory Dimler put together that chronicles the Amazing Race. He got some great photos.

Arrival & The Race from Cory Dimler on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A life of ministry is a life of goodbyes, but that's only most

I want to get into stories and lessons first this time. The prayer developments and requests and developments will be at the bottom of this post. Just scroll on down if you want to skip this stuff.

It's done, it's finished. My third year of college is complete. Only one more semester to go. Who knew it would go by so quickly or seem so slow while in the midst of it.

A life of ministry is a life of goodbyes...It certainly is. Those in ministry often led in new directions, and those being ministered to are just as often as well. It happens as one grows, learns new things, is revealed new things, and etceteras. As Donald Miller rightly notes, there is no bullet point list to figure out life lessons. Life happens and God is in the midst of it, and you grow and you learn and you are moved and you move and in all that there are goodbyes.

I imagine Paul knew this very well, as did all the apostles. John's brother was martyred, and puts a whole knew depth to the brotherly love language John employs in his letters. They were called the Sons of Thunder. You and your brother only get a duo name if you are tight, always by each other's side, always together, and passionate, and his brother was martyred for the fame and popularity of an evil king.

Peter stayed in Jerusalem, but many of the apostles and others were martyred (Ex: Stephen) or called to other locations. Tradition says Thomas went east toward India and John went to Ephesus to name only two of the ten others.

Paul was all over the Mediterranean and Israel. He spent a year and a half to two years in Corinth before leaving. His two letters to that church reveal how emotional his departure must have been. He wept with the elders of Ephesus upon his departure, a vivid picture of the bond of brothers in Christ.

In all times and places of life, a decision also demands sacrifice. We are not omnipresent; we are not even dipresent (present in only two places). While at school I cannot be home with family and other friends. While at home I cannot be with friends from school. While in the Czech, well, you get the idea. As excited as I am for this summer, I also remember the good times had at school and at home, with people here and there, and consider what good times may have been had with them had I chosen to stay and not go to the Czech.

But this is only half, if even that. A life of ministry is a life of hellos and reunions and surprises and eternity. Leaving home and going to school...a whole new world of people and relationships. Returning home from and joyous and blessed reunions. Going back to the school...quite similar. Going to the Czech for the first time... Returning to the Czech...

These are all part of the great picture. The goodbyes point us to Christ and his salvation and eternal glory with him and those I have said goodbye to, remembering that no matter how long or short the time we get to spend together here, eternity is a long, long time. The new hellos do the same. Meeting a fellow brother or sister in righteousness for the first time... There is something special about meeting someone and realizing you will be eternity together, praising the king, realizing they have been doing the same thing you've been doing a world away. We are indeed united in Spirit.

And those blessed reunions! Do we have anything that compares to such feeling, a catalyst of joy within us? You know what I am talking about. That person, that friend, your brother, your sister, your mom, your dad, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your spouse...reunited after a time of separation... Is there anything like that first hug? Is there anything like that first smile at the sight of them? And this is only a shadow of what is to come. We have been separated from our Father since the Fall, and Christ came to us 2000 years ago, and has brought us back into a right relationship with God that brings Him glory, and we wait. We are in his presence, but the time will come when we are brought bodily into his throne room. What a reunion that will be! Will there be anything like that first smile when we see him as he is, face to face? No, there isn't, for this is what the deepest longing of every human heart is, foreshadowed by the many reunions we are blessed with in this life.

Come to Jesus! Are in a right relationship with God that brings him glory? Are your goodbyes blessed with the peace of eternity? Are your hellos blessed with the hope of great things to come? Are your reunions blessed with knowledge that the greatest reunion is on its way?

God has put eternity into the heart of every person, an eternity with Him. Sin has separated us from God, has broken the relationship he desired to have with us. We became enemies of the living God, the God who loves us, and He sent his Son to live the life we could never live, to die the death we deserve, to take the punishment and wrath we willingly brought on ourselves, and rose from the dead in triumph over sin, death, and Satan...that we may be with Him. Have you believed this? You need to. Believe it! It is the truth. It will set you free. Set you free of the bondage of sin. Set you free of the meaningless and selfishness of this life into the joy filled life of glorifying God, your creator who gave his life that you may have a full one, an eternal fulfilled life. And if you already believe, if you are already one of His, this is your cornerstone. This is who chose you, and He has sealed you unto eternity, to be with Him forever and to tell others until that time this message, this message of salvation and hope, of relationship and peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus, the anointed one of God.

My prayer request is that you dwell on this truth. That you dwell on the reality of your salvation, and if you have not yet believed, that you talk to Jesus for the first time, recognizing that he has saved you and enjoy your first prayer with he who saved you.

For the sake of Christ, that many may come to salvation...Amen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

it's all crazy! it's all false! it's all a dream! it's alright

I leave for the Czech in 13 days. I'm in a wedding in 11 days. I move out of my dorm in 2 days. I have my last final in 1 day. It all seems overwhelming. It isn't because I know it isn't, but it seems so sometimes.

It seems like a dream that I leave so soon. I have received some more support. God has provided $7,000+ for this summer, and all of the surplus to likely go for next. I am blown away and humbled and incredibly blessed by the family that has surrounded me in their support. Thank you. I check the updated support on Wednesday and Friday, and I see the growing list of supporters, members of this team, and I am silenced before the grace of God. I do not deserve this grace. I do not deserve a family such as I have, but He in his great mercy and kindness has decided to give such a family to me. You, my brothers and sisters, are a daily reminder of God's grace, of his blessing and faithfulness in my life.

I don't know what to call this section. I don't like "Answers to prayer" because all prayers are answered. Every request is answered with, "No," "wait," or "yes." Maybe I'll call them requests that have been granted:

1. Katherine will be going to the Czech this summer for at least three weeks.
2. Finals have been going well.
3. As stated earlier, financial support continues to come in.

Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that I will be a man of prayer as the internship approaches and throughout it.
2. We may be getting a Czech woman, Martina, on our team this summer. She would be a huge blessing.
3. That I would be diligent in accomplishing what needs to be done and not over commit myself during the time between school ends and when I leave.
4. Please pray for God to provide my sister with enough money to attend Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island.
5. Please pray for the believers we will be encouraging and teaching as we travel throughout the Czech this summer. We will be in the cities of Bohumilice, Strakonice, and Tabor.
6. Please pray for the lost we will be preaching the gospel to and building relationships with. Our desire is that many would come to salvation that God may be glorified.
7. Pray that I would get some good solid rest - spiritually and physically

This semester has not been one of great books. The books have all been alright, but this semester has been one of good conversations and excellent lectures from incredibly wise professors. I learned so much in the classroom this year as opposed to the material I read. Sometimes reading here is like drying to drink from a fire hydrant. You don't end up getting that much sometimes and it's difficult and intense and you're all wet and uncomfortable by the end anyway, and it's not even summer, so you're not in a swimsuit partying it up in the hot streets with your friends and some super soakers.

The classroom was a time to soak and to let wisdom wash over me as I and my friends engaged with it intellectually and sometimes verbally. Discussing it outside of class, especially with my roommate, has been a great privilege. We'd talk about all our doctrinal learnings and applicational challenges while we jogged for our jogging fitness elective. Fitness and God...few combinations compare, which may not be true because I don't like jogging, but it's alright with friends, but even then I don't find it that great...maybe this is the false part of the blog. Just give a frisbee and a beach or a grass field and some people, and I'll run all day.

In closing, to give credit where credit is due, the title of this blog comes from the title of mewithoutYou's forthcoming CD release. Go to to listen to three new songs from the album. They're really good.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A finale. Not the grand finale or the finale, but a finale

A week and a half left of school. Books, papers, finals, Czech prep, all of it is going on.

Answers to prayer:
1. God is providing financially for the interns to go this summer.
2. Papers were finished on time, and I think they are pretty quality.
3. God has provided even more funds for this summer and future ministry with Josiah Venture then I ever could have imagined! There is one special person I need to thank deeply and seriously for her incredibly generous donation. In line with that, I have been very blessed by all of you who have prayed and given to allow me to go this summer and support this ministry and proclaim the gospel.
4. God has provided a place for me to store all my stuff - the garage loft of Paul and Stephanie. They are incredible.

Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that I will be a man of prayer as the internship approaches and throughout it.
2. Tomorrow we will be able to give Katherine a decision point. She can go if she wants to. Pray that God would giver her wisdom and discernment and peace about whatever decision she makes.
3. We may be getting a Czech woman, Martina, on our team this summer. She would be a huge blessing.
4. Please pray for God to provide my sister with enough money to attend Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island.
5. Please pray for the believers we will be encouraging and teaching as we travel throughout the Czech this summer. We will be in the cities of Bohumilice, Strakonice, and Tabor.
6. Please pray for the lost we will be preaching the gospel to and building relationships with. Our desire is that many would come to salvation that God may be glorified.
7. Pray that I would get some good solid rest - spiritually and physically

School has been crazy busy this whole semester but especially these last few weeks. I thought I had some stories to tell, but my mind is blank right now. It may be because I'm tired because I know I haven't been leading a completely dull life.

Also, I am stoked to go see Dan Deacon play at The Metro tomorrow night. It's going to be a blast!