Saturday, June 19, 2010

One month in, six months to go

It's really late.  I'm not going to write much on this one.  Gotta a couple of things to say and ask for though :)

We got more new photos up!

Our visit to Strakonice was really great.  For two quick and sweet accounts of our visit to Strakonice, check out Leah's perspective and/or Alli's perspective.  You'll get some of mine soon too.

God provided and we got our visa stuff taken care of, stopping Satan from making us more busy and making us leave the country before our call here is up.  I didn't realize to half way through the process that this wasn't mere paperwork; there was a spiritual battle behind the scenes to keep us here in the Czech to continue serving Jesus.

Please pray that God would continue to mold me into a Christ-like leader.  This is pretty much my rookie season.  Sometimes it feels like I'm doing everything wrong and other times it doesn't feel that bad and other times I feel like I'm getting it...kind of ;)

Please pray that the team and I would not live out of fear but would be bold and step out where and when the Spirit is prompting us, whether it is to stop and pray, encourage someone, start a conversation with a stranger, rebuke a brother or sister, and etcetera.

Love you all.  I hope to Skype with some of you soon :)

Here's to you from Team BonJon!

P.S. Darkhorse and Thin Ice have made it to the Czech Republic.  Pretty cool, huh?

1 comment:

ninaruth said...

Hi Jonathan! Looks like an amazing trip! My brother is a Moody alum...great college!!!

What would you think about sharing your experience working with youth in a resource library for youth pastors? I'd love to be able to share it with the community:

Let me know what you think, thanks!!
Nina Ruth