Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Legion" from two sides

Legion (click this link to get the basic information and summary of the film) is a new movie in theaters.  It is one I cannot directly interact with because I am not going to see it.  There are films I will not see (The trailer was bad enough.).  This is one of them.  It is a film that "deals" with spiritual matters.  Thus, for those that are interested, I want to give you a review of the film from a Christian and a review of the film from a non-Christian.

I think it is a clear contrast between the Christian and non-Christian mind.  The movie itself testifies to the fact that without the Holy Spirit, one can never rightly understand and interpret and apply the Scriptures.  Without the Holy Spirit, one can only twist and butcher God's word and the God who authored it, "which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:15).

"Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings; yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord. But these men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts they too will perish" (2 Peter 2:10b-12).


Darin Dunn said...

You are reviewing a movie that you have not seen? Now that takes skill! :)

Jonathan Rosen said...

That's why I linked to the other guys ;)

There are some movies where reading up on them and watching the trailer give you plenty to walk away with.