Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So Much!

Like the title says, so much has been going on since the major update I last posted. Let's get started.

Answers to prayer:
1. God is preparing me for leadership and that I believe I am growing in my sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading
2. I believe God has been doing the same for Bonnie, my co-leader
3. THIS IS HUGE!!!! ALL MY SUPPORT IS IN, AND I ALREADY HAVE A SURPLUS! God indeed answers prayer (Luke 18:1-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 5:16b)! More on this to come in this entry.
4. I will now be making phone calls to donors to thank them for their support. What a blessing!

Elaboration on 3 and 4: Alright, God has provided a small surplus of funds thus far, and I have sent out about 60 more support letters as of today. I am incredibly excited and grateful for this opportunity. Supporters are more than faces, people with money. They are partners in this ministry. They are part of a team that desperately needs their prayer and financial support. I am grateful and honored that my supporters have the opportunity to affect the ministry in the Czech Republic that is bigger than myself. They get to help send others and support the ministry as a whole. What a blessing! You have been part of the answer to prayer of many other interns.

Thank you so much for praying. We are seeing God answer prayers in incredible ways.

Prayer Requests
1. Continue to pray that Bonnie and I walk by the Spirit and grow in wisdom as the internship approaches. We both are striving with God in prayer to be Godly leaders this summer.
2. Many other interns still need support to come in. Please pray that God would provide for them to go this summer.
3. I have two big papers due this coming Monday. Please pray that I would not do them for a grade but that I would learn and grow from doing them and that they would prepare me for ministry this summer.
4. Please pray for God to provide my sister with enough money to attend Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island.
5. Please pray for the believers we will be encouraging and teaching as we travel throughout the Czech this summer. We will be in the cities of Bohumilice, Strakonice, and Tabor.
6. Please pray for the lost we will be preaching the gospel to and building relationships with. Our desire is that many would come to salvation that God may be glorified.
7. Please pray for our team member, Katherine. She is seeking the Lord for discernment on whether or not to go to the Czech this summer. We really want her to come, and we are praying God would provide financially for her, but we ask that His will be done and not our own.

What a week it has been. Friday, the 17th, I had about $2,000 for the Czech. On Monday, the 27th, it had more than doubled! Not only did God answer prayer, but he blew my expectations out of the water, which is what God usually does.

That's all for now. Enjoying school and friends and life in general here. Can't believe I leave in four weeks.

Also, feel free to comment on here, email me, or call me. I would love to here what is going on in your life. Pray for you and pray with you.

In Christ,


1 comment:

bleedingdaughter said...

WOOOOHOOOOO! hahahhahahahah! awesome.sweeet!:-D